Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Home for the Holidays

In a few short hours I will be headed to the airport and flying home for Christmas (14 hour flight)....A White Christmas (the DC area got about two feet of snow on Saturday)

The snow from my sister's back porch...

My mom's Christmas Tree...

I will spend New Year's in the Blue Ridge Mountains...and then I will return to Kuwait shortly after the New Year...and then head off to Qatar

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Shooting Range

I went to the shooting range in Kuwait. It was my first time ever shooting a gun. It was pretty fun and I think I did pretty good for my first time...

I thought this activity was more popular here in Kuwait, mainly because it was a part of orientation week at AUK. But, as it turns out gun laws are apparently pretty strict and most people dont own any guns...of course, many people here think that all Americans are gun loving people...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009


In the Desert at Sunset

Inside the Mosque next to Al Alam Palace in Muscat

Overlooking Wadi Bani Khalid

Me with the Bedouin Kids at the Desert Camp


At the top of Jabrin Castle built in the late 17th century

The Ruins at Tanouf

Inside the Nizwa Fort

On top of the Round Tower at Nizwa Fort

Oman Headwear


The spectacular Desert in Oman (way better than in UAE)

Me about to jump off a cliff at the secluded Wadi Arabayeen

Me about to jump off an even bigger cliff at Wadi Bani Khalid

A boat trip around the local beach just outside of Muscat


MOUNTAINS!!!!!!!!! - although, they are lacking in the tree department, still stunning...

outside the Mausoleum Bibi Miriam

Oman Headwear - this style is very similar to the UAE style

Me being all GMU school spirit at the Nizwa Round Tower Fort built in the 17th century


Everyone needs to vacation in Oman at least once in their lives! It is a wonderful place with beautiful scenery from the mountains, ocean, wadi, old ruins, desert, and the city...

The traditional Tent where i spent the night in the Desert

Me after I conquered a really tall sand dune in the desert in the dark!

Gorgeous White Sand Beach south of Muscat

Bimah Sinkhole